High Performance Computing (HPC) related activities at ICT 2015

he ICT 2015 event offers many possibilities to learn about latest HPC developments in Europe, about the HPC strategy, and future funding opportunities.

The ICT 2015 event in Lisbon (20-22 October) offers a lot of activities over the three days: a conference programme, thematic sessions about the work programmes 2016-2017, an exhibition area with more than 150 stands, and networking sessions.

Conference programme

The session Multi-disciplinarity for Future Technology (Thursday 22, 09:00-10:30) will discuss the role of multi-disciplinarity in future and emerging technologies with five speakers, including Thomas Lippert, director of the HPC platform within the Human Brain flagship project (HBP), and coordinator of the series of Europe-funded implementation projects for the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) as well as the exascale projects DEEP and DEEP-ER, .

Thematic sessions about the work programmes 2016-2017

As in 2014-2015, HPC is supported under the Infrastructures work programme, and the FET work programme. Most of the new funding opportunities for 2016 relate to the FET work programme and will be presented in the session "High Perfromance Computing", Wednesday 21 09:50-10:35 (room 3B).

Exhibition area

The exhibition is organised around the three main themes of the event - Innovate, Connect, Transform, with also "thematic villages".

  • The ETP4HPC Association (which represents the private side in the HPC Contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP) launched in January 2014) will present its activities: through its Strategic Research Agenda, the ETP4HPC Association provides input to the definition of the European research priorities (EC village).
  •  Mont-Blanc project will show its power-efficient HPC platform based on low-power embedded technology (Transform area).

Networking sessions

More than 120 sessions grouped into 13 topics will offer the opportunity to connect and share views in a broad and multi-disciplinary dialogue. In particular about HPC, you don't want to miss this session:

Registration for ICT 2015 is still open. You can register here!

