International Conference IEEE 3M-NANO, 18-22 July 2016, Chongqing, China


Mon, 18 Jul 2016


3M-NANO is the annual International Conference on Manipulation, Manu­facturing and  Measurement on the Nanoscale; it will be held on 18-22 July 2016 in Chongqing, China. The ultimate ambition of this conference series is to bridge the gap between nanosciences and engineering sciences, aiming at technology opportunities and new markets. The advanced technologies for manipulation, manufacturing and measurement at nanoscale promise novel revolutionary products and methods in numerous areas of application. Scientists working in research fields related to 3M-NANO topics are invited to submit papers. All accepted full papers (presented at the conference and following IEEE format) will be submitted in IEEE Xplore database and Ei Compendex. Selected papers will be recommended for publication in the IEEE Trans. on Automation Science & Engineering, Int. J of Nanomanufacturing, IFAC Mechatronics, Int. J of Optomechatronics, J of Micro-Bio Robotics, Journal of Bionic Engineering, Light (Science & Applications), Optics and Precision Engineering and other SCI/Ei journals.
Venue: Chongqing  is  a  well-known  city  with  a  history  of  more  than  3000  years.  It  is  the famous historical and cultural city in China. Chongqing is the birthplace of the Bayu Culture. At  present,  Chongqing  is  a  municipality  directly  under  the  Central  Government  with  the largest  area,  the  most  administrative  districts  and  the  largest  population.  Chongqing  is variously known as “foggy city”, “mountain city”, and “furnace city”.
Important Dates
Full paper submission
15 April May 2016
Proposals for special sessions (5-6 papers)
     15 April May 2016
Notification of acceptance
15 May 1 June 2016
Final paper submission
       15 June 2016
Advanced registration
15 June 2016
Registration for accepted papers
        15 June 2016


Event type: 
