ISC High Performance conference and exhibition


Sun, 12 Jul 2015


Frankfurt (Germany)


The ISC High Performance conference and exhibition event is the HPC forum to learn about the latest developments in the field and for networking. More than 2,600 international attendees from the HPC and scientific computing communities and 160 exhibitors are expected. A dedicated session will present highlights from Horizon 2020 (funding, projects, ETP4HPC).Date: From 12/07/2015 to 16/07/2015 Highlights from Europe's Horizon 2020 session: Monday, 13 July (04:00 - 05:00 pm)This session will provide detailed information on the current status and perspectives for High-Performance Computing in Horizon 2020. The first presentation will provide an overview of the current and future HPC-related funding opportunities under the European H2020 programme including the outcomes of recent HPC calls for proposals. The main part of the session will provide a sneak preview of key European actions in HPC research and innovation.Full program of the ISC High Performance event.See also: ISC High Performance home page 


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