FET Open funding opportunities for Research projects

Under Horizon 2020, FET Open continues its mission to support early-stage joint science and technology research around new ideas for radically new future technologies, in all technological areas.

FET Open calls for early-stage joint science and technology research towards radically new future technologies. Being entirely non-prescriptive with regards to the nature or purpose of the technologies that are envisaged, this call targets the unexpected. It is open to collaborative research that satisfies the FET-Open 'gatekeepers': long-term vision, ambition of the scientific and technological breakthrough, foundational character, novelty, high-risk and deep synergistic interdisciplinary approach. FET-Open aspires to be an early detector of new and promising ideas, but also of the new high-potential actors in research and innovation (such as young researchers and high-tech SMEs) that may become the scientific and industrial leaders of the future.

FET Open also calls for coordination and support activities to turn Europe into the best place in the world for responsible collaborative research on future and emerging technologies that will make a difference for society in the decades to come. For the next call deadline, FET exchange and FET Take-Up topics are addressed.

Next Call deadline: 29/09/2015.

Budget: 38.5M€ for Research and Innovations Actions; 1.5M€ for Coordination and Support Actions.

More information is available on the Participant Portal.

Check the slides and video presentations from the FET Open InfoDay of 6 July 2015.

