
Tue, 24 May 2016


FCH2 JU premises Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60, Brussels, Belgium


The FCH2 JU is launching a new session of H2020 financial workshops for all coordinators and participants of the projects financed by FCH2 JU from Call 2014 and Call 2015.

The objective of the workshops is to focus on new H2020 rules and significant changes as compared to FP7 programme in the context of the currently running FCH2 JU projects.


During the meeting, FCH2 JU plans to provide information and further clarifications on the following topics:

  • Most important H2020 rules on eligibility of costs & their interpretations
  • Overview of the new reporting tools & requirements
  • Significant changes from FP7 to H2020 for costs eligibility
  • Frequently asked questions received from the coordinators & partners on H2020 rules


When?       One session (all day event) is planned for 24 May 2016.

Where?      The event will take place at the FCH2 JU premises Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60, Brussels, Belgium.


You can choose to attend the H2020 Financial Workshop session online, through a web conference system.

Further information for the participants that choose to attend the session online, will be provided in due time.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by 13 May 2016 at the latest by sending us the registration form (including list of questions) to: fch-projects(at)fch.europa.eu


Click here to view the agenda.

Click here to download the registration form.


Please note that, due to capacity constraints the number of participants is limited.


Event type: 
