Partner Search for Security Topic DRS-01-2015

An Italian University is looking for partners in the call DRS-01-2015.

The University of Camerino, coordinator of a proposal under the call "Potential of current and new measures and technologies to respond to extreme weather and climate events" (DRS-01-2015), is looking for the following partners:

  • PARTNER 1: Design and production of stations for the measurement of: water content in deadwood, transpiration rate in live-wood, water content in soil moisture up to 20m depth.
  • PARTNER 2: Design and software development of the computational system; input information: weather data, geomorphologic data, land cover data; output information (on-line): short-term indices for landslide, floods and forest fires; (off-line): long-term indices for landslide, floods and forest fires; floods dynamics; forest fires dynamics.
  • PARTNER 3: Tablet and Smartphone applications for on-field operations; main tasks of these applications: prediction of the forest fire intensity and fire front speed, flood dynamics, landslide motion.

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