Towards smart, green and integrated transport for cities

Cities are challenged to come up with a form of transport mobility that is sustainable, energy efficient and respectful of the environment. An EU initiative is bringing together public stakeholders from European cities and the innovation community to realise sustainable zero-carbon transport systems.

Cities often lack strategic direction to lay down a long-term vision for sustainable transport. Innovation procurement can provide answers to such future challenges. Specifically, the public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) helps public authorities to achieve more efficient and effective public services and deliver answers to reduce environmental impacts. What is more, PPI are socially responsible.

To address sustainable transport challenges in urban areas, the EU-funded 'Towards sustainable zero carbon transport through innovation procurement' (TRANS-FORM) project is gathering groups of procurers from local governments and the transport industry across Europe. Overall, the aim is to contribute towards more sustainable urban transport mobility by exploring future zero-carbon targets and emerging potential solutions.

The first of two innovation procurement workshops was held in Rotterdam in late 2013. The main objective was to consider the evidence of market failure and how European cities can work together and with other main stakeholders via public-public and public-private partnerships. To achieve this, five task groups have been set up. The groups' findings and lessons learnt from the PPI projects in transportation procurement will be used as a basis for the second event.

Barcelona, Birmingham and Rotterdam are looking into public tender intervention possibilities in the transport area. Training activities are being carried out on PPI advantages and procedures.

The innovation community is engaged in pre-commercial procurement in order to propose possible innovative solutions.

TRANS-FORM will lead to a minimum of two public tenders for the three cities. In addition to the tendering for public sector contracts, the project will coordinate the development of joint demand statements of common need for future innovative solutions. Documents providing lessons learnt, impact analysis and synergies to achieve sustainable transport in cities will also be delivered.
