Understanding and Tackling the Migration Challenge: The Role of Research (Brussels, BE)

Contact point: 



Thu, 4 Feb 2016


+373 69907927




Charlemagne Building, 170 Rue de la Loi (Wetstraat), Brussels


The Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission organises a two-day conference to explore and demonstrate how European research can support policy makers in designing effective and sustainable migration policies. To this end, past and current research on migration -including on integration, circular migration, migration and development, data and statistical modelling- will be presented and debated from a policy perspective. Findings from social sciences and economic research will feature at the conference alongside short- to long-term health care needs of migrants as well as the link between climate change and current and future migratory processes. The identification of future research needs, both immediate and long-term, will be a cross cutting theme throughout the conference. The Science4Refugees initiative, designed to identify and provide opportunities for refugees with scientific qualifications within the European Research Area, will also be presented at the conference.Participants will comprise leading researchers in the field of migration, including many coordinators from EU funded research projects, EU and national policy makers as well as other relevant stakeholders.The format of the event is interactive and we expect the audience and speakers to engage in a fruitful dialogue on the role of research in tackling the current and future challenges that migration poses, both to Europe and at a global level. Registration for the 4th of February is complete. However, there are still available places for the 5th of February. Please register here. Please note that participation on the 4th of February is only possible if you have already received a confirmation.http://ec.europa.eu/research/conferences/2016/migration-challenge/index.cfm 


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