
Wed, 8 Jul 2015

PAPETS: Quantum physics provides startling insights into biological processes

Quantum physics is helping researchers to better understand photosynthesis and olfaction.

Language: English
Wed, 8 Jul 2015

GHOST: Technology that leaps out of the screen

Exciting new technologies, which allow users to change the shape of displays with their hands, promise to revolutionise the way we interact with smartphones, la

Language: English
Wed, 8 Jul 2015

LIGHTNESS: Anticipating the mobile traffic boom

Mobile data traffic is expected to grow hundred- or thousand-fold by 2020, when the new 5G telecoms standards are due to enter the market.

Language: English
Wed, 8 Jul 2015

PROSPERITY4ALL: access to technology for everyone

EU researchers are developing a new, broad-ranging, cloud-based infrastructure that makes the Internet more accessible for users with special n

Language: English
Wed, 8 Jul 2015

Commission seeks views on Europe's audiovisual media rules

The European Commission seeks the views of all interested parties on how to make Europe's audiovisual media landscape fit for purpose in the digital age.

Language: English
Tue, 7 Jul 2015

Posibilitate grandioasă pentru cercetători!

 Următoarele instituții și-au manifestat dorința de a găzdui cercetători experimentați în cadrul programului ”Bursele Individuale Marie Sklodowska-Curie”.

Language: English
Tue, 7 Jul 2015

Ukraine, Armenia and Georgia are to be Associated member-states in Horizon-2020 soon!

Ukraine signed the agreement with European Union regarding participation in H2020 and is now in the process of ratification of this agreement.

Language: English
Tue, 7 Jul 2015

Mobiasbanca provides funding products from sources of EIB

Mobiasbanca - Groupe Socie

Language: English
Tue, 7 Jul 2015

Nanotechnology for contaminated land remediation

A team of EU scientists is investigating the use of nanoparticles to remediate polluted soils and water.

Language: English
Fri, 3 Jul 2015

EPFL Fellows: COFUND by Marie Skłodowska-Curie

EPFL’s international postdoctoral fellowship programme aims to attract experienced researchers of any nationality to the EPFL, to provide them state-of-the art conditions for research, to develop t

Language: English
